I'll be turning the key one last time in mid-November and would love to see you before then. Read more...
news & events
Celebrate the Season a New Old Fashioned Way

Colour Workshop April 1st

Celebrations & Signings ~ Oct. 8 in Wine Country

We're designing and speaking at IDS Vancouver 2016
Please join us at IDS Vancouver Sept 22-25, 2016. You'll find us at the Open Studio exhibit space we designed based on the theme of Colour. Heather will be on hand at her Open Studio throughout the show to meet and greet, and sell and sign her new book, The Natural Eclectic. Heather will also be sharing her 'natural eclectic' philosophy when she speaks on the Caesarstone Main Stage on Sunday, Sept 25 at 3pm. Read more...
Buy your tickets today and we look forward to seeing you there!
We're in Rural Magazine!
"Heather Ross has written a book for those of us who love to collect bits of beauty. Items foraged from nature,or found in shops that speak to the heart and the eye." ... Read more
As seen in 'The Kit'
We're in Martha!

H&H MUST READS - The Natural Eclectic
"With her trademark nature-inspired aesthetic and equally inspiring Vancouver boutique-meets-gallery, Heather Ross has carved out a niche for herself in the Canadian design world. Her first book offers..." Read More
Sharing Secrets in the Straight...

We're delighted to be sharing secrets from our new book, The Natural Eclectic, in the Georgia Straight...Read more...
We're in Luxe!
We're thrilled to be featured in the latest Luxe Interiors & Design magazine. In this full-page feature Heather shares...Read more
Heather Ross Workspace Design Concept at IDSwest

Please join us at the IDSwest Open Studio and explore our Workspace design concept on September 25-27, 2015 , at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
We are proud to be one of ten hand-picked designers invited to present their curated installation that entertains the theme of Workspace that will be featured in the Open Studio. With a 10′ x 10’ raw space as a blank canvas, we are excited to share our concept of an inspiring workspace for the modern creative. Buy your tickets today and we look forward to seeing you there!