With Autumn upon us and IDS Vancouver behind us (see blog on that next week), the time is ripe to head to wine country to celebrate at the Okanagan Wine Festival on the heels of the royal couple!
After a whirlwind trip to the Okanagan late summer ~ where I explored the countryside with best of friends and toured wineries such as Misconduct Wine Co. and The Hatch ~ I felt so connected to the land and embraced by the community.
I was especially in love with the wine tasting room at the Misconduct Wine Co., with my signature Robin’s Egg Blue color on the walls. After my private tour of the winery, I was delighted to accept their invitation to return for a book signing during the wine festival on Thanksgiving Weekend. It just seemed like a perfect pairing! (see details below)
While my book is not directly related to wine, it is about connecting with the beauty of the land, creative process, and the wonder of the ever-changing seasons.
There's something quite magical about grapes growing in the desert heat against a big sky….there's such power in the earth and the water and the skies.
While on my recent road trip I made a point of stopping into Chapters/Indigo and Mosaic Books in Kelowna to sign the copies they have in store but was also delighted to stumble upon my book, The Natural Eclectic, in the beautiful gift shops at Mission Hill Winery and Quails' Gate!
So I’m thrilled to announce I will be returning to Misconduct Wine Co. for meet-and-greets and book sales and signings on Saturday afternoon of October 8 of Thanksgiving weekend ~ follow me on Instagram and Facebook for exact details! There is so much to experience and enjoy in the Okanagan this time of year ~ the changing of the seasons, the grape harvest, and most importantly the wine! I hope to see you there…
Heather RossThe Natural Eclectic ~ Book Sales & Signing
Saturday afternoon, October 8, 2016
Misconduct Wine Co.
375 Upper Bench Rd N, Penticton, BC V2A 8T2
Comments on post (1)
Colleen says:
……have a great time, beautiful spot!!!
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